Ant Treatment, Gloucestershire 

Our changeable Great British weather doesn't often provide the hot temperatures suitable for many ant species. However, there are a few species that can be commonly found in homes and businesses across the UK, such as black or garden ants. While ants are not believed to carry diseases, they may have been foraging for food in unhygienic areas, both indoors and outdoors. As a result, the last thing you will want is for them to enter your food cupboards or surfaces. 
Signs You Need Ant Removal Services 
Ants will often travel in their established trails and will cluster around various sources of food. As a result, they can become an unhygienic, unsightly nuisance in your home or business. It is therefore essential to identify their origin, eliminate the infestation and seal off the entry point; for example, you may spot small piles of earth around holes in soil, or you may notice holes at the base of your exterior walls. You can also prevent an ant infestation by effectively covering food sources and cleaning sticky residues on surfaces such as worktops, as these insects are commonly attracted to sweet foodstuffs. 
A Professional Ant Removal Service in Gloucestershire 
If you notice a large number of live ants in your home or business, it is possible you have an infestation problem. Don’t allow an ant colony to invade your home or commercial space, as an infestation can quickly grow out of control. The average ant colony is believed to range from hundreds to millions of ants. 
Our experienced pest controllers have extensive experience eradicating an infestation in a swift, safe and hassle-free manner. Our professional ant removal specialists in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, will effectively track how the insects are entering your property. Once they have identified the source of the infestation, our pest controller will block off their access and eliminate the ant colony from your domestic or commercial property. 
Professional Ant Removal Services 
Gooch Pest Control Services is a family run business, so you can trust we understand the importance of running an ant-free home or business. 
We utilise our 30-year history to provide our customers with professional, dependable and affordable ant removal treatments in Cheltenham, Gloucester and the surrounding area. 
Our Talented Experts 
We only employ skilled, experienced and knowledgeable pest controllers to eliminate ants and other pests from your domestic or commercial premises.  
Every expert is fully licensed and insured to provide exceptional treatments every time, and each have gained a certificate following the successful completion of Killgerm pest control courses. You can therefore trust that our pest controllers will have the expertise to provide the best treatment option for your property’s needs.  
Our pest control experts can also provide recommendations on how to prevent an ant infestation in the future. For example, ants commonly detest the smell of vinegar, which can also mask the scent of their established trails. You can also prevent an infestation by not giving the insects a reason to invade your home. For example, ensure you do not leave any dirty dishes in your sink and maintain clean worktops, floors and surfaces.. 
Contact us today to arrange your pest control services 
in Cheltenham, Gloucester, Tewkesbury and the surrounding areas.